Rabu, 14 November 2007

30 Member

1 – 10 of 30 members
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  • -titoet'z- *New Photo*
  • Female, 19, Single
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: jAkarte uuUU yeeAAhhhh,,,,,[[[ seMaraNg huuUhuUU,,
  • Meeting People for: Dating (Men) , , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 2 days
Joined group on: Sunday, September 2, 2007
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  • aquwCintKmBeibH *New Photo*
  • Female, 17, Married
  • Location: Jakarta Raya, ID
  • Hometown: bJb yg gg SeEnak my_JAKARTA...
  • Meeting People for: Dating (Women and Men) , , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 24 hours
Joined group on: Tuesday, August 28, 2007
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  • buddy
  • Male, 21, In a Relationship
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: Jatinangor "Sick-city"
  • Meeting People for: Relationship (Women) , , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 1 week
Joined group on: Thursday, October 4, 2007
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  • eryn
  • Female, 25, Single
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: JakaRta my city my tivi (Lho???!)
  • Meeting People for: , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 1 week
Joined group on: Monday, August 27, 2007
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  • gadisdungu *New Photo*
  • Female, 17, Single
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: indonesia
  • Meeting People for: Dating, Relationship (Men) , , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 24 hours
Joined group on: Monday, September 24, 2007
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  • HaFidzI
  • Male, 22, Single
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: Jakarta ( Cijantung = Menuju Kwsn Elite..! ) =)
  • Meeting People for: Dating, Relationship (Women) , , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 24 hours
Joined group on: Monday, August 27, 2007
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  • Lancelot *New Photo*
  • Male, 23, Single
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: The Cijantung Residence
  • Meeting People for:
Last log in within: 2 days
Joined group on: Sunday, September 2, 200
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  • Minar
  • Male, 29, Married
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: Jakarta, Bogor
  • Meeting People for:
Last log in within: 3 days
Joined group on: Sunday, June 3, 2007
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  • NaY *Updated Profile*
  • Female, 25, Married
  • Location: Jakarta, ID
  • Hometown: CibuBur'kU...jaKaRTa'Ku....
  • Meeting People for: , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 24 hours
Joined group on: Monday, August 27, 2007
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  • Yohanes
  • Male, 27, Married
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Hometown: Depok, Bandung, Chiang Mai
  • Meeting People for: , Activity Partners
Last log in within: 4 days
Joined group on: Tuesday, September 18, 2007

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