Rabu, 14 November 2007


Re: kesan [post #8978572 is a reply to post #5097994 ] , 10/23/07 06:02 PM Go to previous post
Total posts: 24
Member since: August 2006

well.. i like 179...
it was the first time i found no corruption in the school, my first public school, i learned how to respect different religion, and respectful. the think that i love about this school is green..hehehhehe..
i hate 179
the rules are too strict (is it still now?)

some of the teachers have discrimination..

for girl we have to tie our long hair.. (yo.. do u think we need it?.. i come to school to study.. to study i have to feel comfortable .. i don't think we need this rule..even they the teachers say "you'll look prettier.." sorry but that was i feel.. i can tie my hair whenever i need it.. please don't force us to do that)

we have to obey the senior..( hey for ya who have been my senior?) do u thing it's fair to force ur junior? have u been a junior?how did u feel when u junior?)

we have to wear tie everyday? (why do we have to wear it?)

boys or girls restroom (Toilet laki2 atau perempuan)hey clean ur peepee or pup... and girls please threw the sanitary pad (pembalut) in the garbage)

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